12-Year-Old Brandon’s Journal — Entry 20 — 12/3/1992
Dear Journal,
Today we learned the Akie Breakie Heart dance in PE. I didn't really like it but it was funny watching some of the people try to get it. We didn't have basketball practice last night and my mom didn't know it. So I had to go to Scooter's hoes and wait for a while. This Saturday I am taking my SATs for math. Since I am in math seven I got a pamphlet on what it will be like and it gave me some tips on test taking. Sean Downs is also taking the test with me. I have a busy schedule this weekend. Yesterday we did flags for a country or state and I got Kiribati. It is an island in the Pacific. In band yesterday, the lights went out. It was funny watching people walk around all the stands. We are also the first intermediate band to perform in a concert. Mr. Kvech can still make it so we don't perform. My b-ball team is two and zero. So is the "A" team. The "B" two team won last night and the seventh grade is undefeated.
I can remember those dance portions of PE like they were yesterday. When we got to the slow dance portion, they would like the boys up on one side of the gym, and the girls on the other. Then the first in the line was paired up, and so on down the line.
I'll take out the names of the two involved with this part of the story, but a friend of mine got paired up with this girl. As they walked across the gym to the place they were going to be for the lesson. As he held out his hand for her's, she proceeded to wipe her nose, WITH HER PALM, then grab his hand before he could react. F'ing gross.