10 Reasons Beer Is Good And Some Cool Local Places To Get One
I found this list online and, who am I to argue with the internet?
We like beer and, I truly believe that it likes us! According to timefornaturalhealthcare.com. Beer, in moderation, will:
- reduce the bad cholesterol (LDL) in our bodies.
- boost the body’s bone strength and density.
- raise vitamin B levels. (B6 levels can rise as much as 30%.)
- lower your risk of a cardiovascular problems, like heart attacks, by 40 to 60%.
- ease insomnia.
- aid mental health, boosts memory and can prevent dementia and Alzheimer’s.
- make your skin look better and helps repair damaged skin quicker.
- reduce anxiety according to University of Montreal. (Canada, that kinda figures.)
- help with blood clots which can prevent strokes and even brain aneurysms.
- reduce your risk of kidney stones by up to 40% for every bottle you drink.
Like we needed reasons...
If that made you thirsty, there are tons of places to grab a beer around El Paso. If you like your beer "made fresh" though, try a local brewery like Deadbeach, Ode, or El Paso Brewery here in El Chuco. In New Mexico, try Spotted Dog in Mesilla or High Desert in Cruces.