According to, the state of Texas spent the most money on prescription drugs last year. Here are the states that spent the most:

  1. Texas -- $32,293,868,648
  2. California -- $31,182,855,532
  3. Florida -- $25,590,344,466
  4. New York -- $25,590,344,466
  5. Illinois -- $17,538,442,413

And here are the states that spent the least on prescription drugs:

  1. North Dakota -- $558,260,262
  2. Wyoming -- $565,070,615
  3. Vermont -- $587,983,899
  4. Alaska -- $714,303,839
  5. South Dakota -- $760,087,237

Texas might be spending the most, but here are some other stats to factor in.

State with the most prescriptions filled per capita:

  1. Kentucky -- 18.4
  2. West Virginia -- 18.00
  3. Louisiana -- 16.3
  4. Mississippi -- 16.0
  5. Arkansas -- 15.8

States with the fewest prescriptions filled per capita:

  1. Alaska -- 6.4
  2. Colorado -- 7.6
  3. California -- 8.4
  4. Hawaii -- 8.8
  5. Washington -- 9.3

States with the most expensive cost per prescription:

  1. Alaska -- $151.35
  2. Colorado -- $139.17
  3. Delaware -- $137.61
  4. Wisconsin -- $135.84
  5. D.C. -- $129.04

States with the least expensive cost pre prescription:

  1. Rhode Island -- $68.17
  2. North Dakota -- $69.29
  3. Pennsylvania -- $75.66
  4. Montana -- $80.42
  5. Mississippi -- $82.13

I'm a little surprised that Florida wasn't towards the top of the list of most prescriptions per capita considering Florida is basically a retirement community. But somehow it didn't even crack the top 5.

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