Jack Daniels names son Jim Beam ... Johnnie Walker presides
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It's true, Jack Daniels Leathers named his mini shot Jim Beam. He and wife Lydia say they planned to name their baby that long before they were even married. On their first date to be exact.  Who the hell discusses baby names on their first date?

They're not done yet either.  If they have another boy, he'll be named Evan Williams and if it's a girl, they're going with Sherry. Jack told Houmatoday that his parents named him JD just to piss off their parents and, just like that, a family tradition is born!

Wait, there's more!  According to Houmatoday, the judge who married Jack and Lydia was named Johnny Walker! They're from Louisiana. Around here they would have gone with Jose CuervoPepe Lopez and Don Julio!



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