April 16, 2016 | 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm
El Paso Museum Of Archaeology
4301 Transmountain Road, El Paso, TX 79924 United States

Additional Information

Archaeologist David H. Greenwald’s talk describes his investigations at Creekside Village along the Rio Tularosa in New Mexico where he has identified the presence of a large, circular pit structure with attributes that compare with great kivas or community structures found elsewhere in the Southwest. The great kiva and other community features (65+ pit houses, a reservoir and irrigation system) reflect a highly structured social order tied to subsistence needs. Initial paleobotanical studies suggest heavy dependence on agriculture, with a focus on corn/maize. Discoveries at Creekside Village have far ranging implications into existing concepts of the organizational strategies of Jornada Mogollon groups who occupied the Tularosa Basin during the Formative period (A.D. 1 to 1450).