Take A Tour If You Plan On Becoming A Part Of Downtown Living
Take this tour if you enjoy the heart of our city so much that you could just live there! You can take a quick 2 minute break and enjoy a tour of the Downtown living lifestyle.
Downtown El Paso published this virtual tour to give you some insight on what it's like to live in the downtown area. You will even hear from one of the downtown living residents and how she loves it. The Downtown Management District introduces you to a few properties out of the many that reside downtown. It makes me along with other El Pasoans happy that they slowly but surely brought the historic downtown buildings back to life. Downtown is not only the hot spot to party but is now the hot spot to reside in. So if you missed out getting a sneak peek, watch this virtual tour.
If you're planning on looking to change your zip code soon, give the downtown area a chance!