In the season premiere this past Sunday, Carl Grimes (played by young actor Chandler Riggs) chooses to shoot himself to save his father and his friend from having to do it.
One of the last places you want to be stranded and surrounded by zombies, or "walkers" in a real zombie apocalypse is on a boat. Luckily, the Walker Stalker Cruise gives you the experience of being trapped out in the ocean with zombies and some fan favorite Walking Dead cast members.
Scott Ian, guitarist and founding member of Anthrax, is a huge zombie fan. Err, "walker" I should say ... they never say "zombie" ... and Sunday night he'll play one on tv during AMC's "The Walking Dead".
Here's a story destined to become even bigger than "T'was The Night Before Christmas". Ok, maybe not "destined". Let's go with "could become" ...