YouTube Icons Dish on the Texas Favorite: WhataburgerYouTube Icons Dish on the Texas Favorite: WhataburgerWhataburger is loved by many, but is it loved by YouTube celebrities? Here are some who like it & some who have strong opinions.Daniel PaulusDaniel Paulus
YouTube Star Amazingly Puts On His Pants Without Using His HandsYouTube Star Amazingly Puts On His Pants Without Using His HandsI am not joking when I say this is pretty amazing. It maybe one of the most useless talents, but still pretty cool to watch.Emily SlapeEmily Slape
Man Rewrites Frozen Song In An Attempt to Get a GirlfriendMan Rewrites Frozen Song In An Attempt to Get a GirlfriendSome guys don't have much game when it comes to attracting the ladies but this guy needs some serious therapy.Emily SlapeEmily Slape