Texas Beats New Mexico On Most Sinful Cities ListTexas Beats New Mexico On Most Sinful Cities ListTexas and New Mexico are tied at 2 when it comes to the most sinful American cities. Dubba GDubba G
How Long Is The Drive Around The Texas Perimeter?How Long Is The Drive Around The Texas Perimeter?If you're planning a trip around the edge of Texas, you'll need plenty of gas and plenty of time. You should probably bring snacks too ...Dubba GDubba G
El Paso Made A Texas “Worst Of” ListEl Paso Made A Texas “Worst Of” ListSome Texas City populations are flourishing, some are holding their own and some are in decline. Looking at you El Paso ...Dubba GDubba G
4 Texas Cities Are Among Fastest Growing In America4 Texas Cities Are Among Fastest Growing In AmericaTexas made a list of the top 10 fastest growing cities in America 4 times, (El Paso wasn't one of them), Arizona made it 3 times.Dubba GDubba G
3 Times-2 Good, 1 Not So Good-Texas Hit The Record Books First3 Times-2 Good, 1 Not So Good-Texas Hit The Record Books FirstTexas history is loaded with firsts, here are 3 of the 1st "firsts" for the lone star state.Dubba GDubba G
How These Texas City Nicknames Came To BeHow These Texas City Nicknames Came To BeTexas has got a ton of cities and some of them have pretty odd names. Many have odd nicknames too.Dubba GDubba G
Think Texas Has Lots Of State Animals? So Does New MexicoThink Texas Has Lots Of State Animals? So Does New MexicoI'm not sure who is trying to outdo who on this one but, at the moment, Texas and New Mexico have the same number of official state animals.Dubba GDubba G
The Biggest College Campus In Texas Is Really Freakin’ HugeThe Biggest College Campus In Texas Is Really Freakin’ HugeEverything is bigger in Texas and that includes college campuses ... this one is a monster.Dubba GDubba G
World’s Largest Statue In El Paso Isn’t As High As Texas’ TallestWorld’s Largest Statue In El Paso Isn’t As High As Texas’ TallestThe world's largest statue sits right smack in the middle of El Paso yet, despite being pretty darn huge, it's only the 2nd tallest in Texas.Dubba GDubba G
El Paso Airport Named One Of The Biggest In Texas-Guess Who’s #1?El Paso Airport Named One Of The Biggest In Texas-Guess Who’s #1?El Paso is the 6th largest city in Texas and our airport ranks just about the same when compared to other Texas airports.Dubba GDubba G
Texas May Be Huge But It’s Not The Longest StateTexas May Be Huge But It’s Not The Longest StateOnly Alaska beats Texas in size but, when it comes to length, we trade places with another state.Dubba GDubba G
You Won’t Believe How Few People Live In This Huge Area Of TexasYou Won’t Believe How Few People Live In This Huge Area Of TexasThe part of Texas with almost no residents is at the bottom of a wide section of the United States of America that is home to only 1% of the U.S. population.Dubba GDubba G