3 Of The Biggest And Smallest Things In Texas3 Of The Biggest And Smallest Things In TexasThey say everything is bigger in Texas but for every big thing, much like Newton's 3rd law says, there's got to be a small one.Dubba GDubba G
You Can Travel The World Without Ever Leaving TexasYou Can Travel The World Without Ever Leaving TexasOk, you can't literally travel the world within Texas but you can say you've been to faraway places without leaving that Texas hospitality.Dubba GDubba G
Texas Has One Of America’s 15 Most Polluted RiversTexas Has One Of America’s 15 Most Polluted RiversNot a great swimmin' hole ... one of the 15 most polluted rivers in the United States of America runs through a huge chunk of Texas.Dubba GDubba G
El Paso Among Texas Cities With The Worst DriversEl Paso Among Texas Cities With The Worst DriversEl Paso is among the top 25 worst drivers in the United States of America, along with 5 other Texas cities. Dubba GDubba G
Did You Know EVERY Texan Owns A Deadly Weapon?Did You Know EVERY Texan Owns A Deadly Weapon?If you live in Texas, you have to own a deadly weapon. I don't mean Texas "requires" it, I mean you just do. Like it or not.Dubba GDubba G
The 7 Most Interesting TEXAS Facts I Guarantee You Did Not KnowThe 7 Most Interesting TEXAS Facts I Guarantee You Did Not KnowMost of us know that Dr Pepper (with no "." by the way) was invented in WacoBuddy LoganBuddy Logan
Is It Legal In Texas To Question A Minor Without Parents Present?Is It Legal In Texas To Question A Minor Without Parents Present?Good things to know on the off chance your kid gets in trouble.ChrissyChrissy
El Paso Airport Named One Of The Biggest In Texas-Guess Who’s #1?El Paso Airport Named One Of The Biggest In Texas-Guess Who’s #1?El Paso is the 6th largest city in Texas and our airport ranks just about the same when compared to other Texas airports.Dubba GDubba G
The Longest Beach In Texas Is One Of The Longest In The WorldThe Longest Beach In Texas Is One Of The Longest In The WorldThings are absolutely bigger in Texas. If you like long walks on the beach, this one in Texas is right up your alley.Dubba GDubba G
Texas May Be Huge But It’s Not The Longest StateTexas May Be Huge But It’s Not The Longest StateOnly Alaska beats Texas in size but, when it comes to length, we trade places with another state.Dubba GDubba G
You Won’t Believe How Few People Live In This Huge Area Of TexasYou Won’t Believe How Few People Live In This Huge Area Of TexasThe part of Texas with almost no residents is at the bottom of a wide section of the United States of America that is home to only 1% of the U.S. population.Dubba GDubba G
You Won’t Believe How Many Law Enforcement Agencies Texas HasYou Won’t Believe How Many Law Enforcement Agencies Texas HasRight off the bat, I can tell you we have more than any other state.Dubba GDubba G