Nestled in the scenic West Lake Hills of Texas, the Live Oak Ridge Residence is a remarkable modern creation by Devin Keyes of Keyes Office of Architecture.
The dark web is out there and it's fierce. There are websites that have your personal information up for everyone to see. Learn how you can remove your information from this dangerous site.
New Mexico has contracted with a third party to use cell phone data to see how peeps are adhering to social distance rules and to design new restrictions.
If you've ever watched TV shows like 'Long Island Medium,' you've seen the stunned looks on people's faces when the psychics start to get positive "hits." The guy in the video above amazes strangers with specific information, but there's one catch: he's not even a little bit psychic.
I'm sure you've seen the millions of people out there in Facebook land posting their legal-sounding notice about their profile information. It looks so good, and sounds so legit, it has to be a real thing, right? Should you take a moment and join the crowd? Will it liberate you from the fear that Facebook will steal your photos and posts and use them for nefarious ends?