VOTE: Better Genre – Nu-Metal Vs. Heavy Metal?VOTE: Better Genre – Nu-Metal Vs. Heavy Metal?Do you prefer nu-metal or something more traditional in heavy metal? Your votes will determine a rock block on this week's Loudwire Nights radio show.Chad ChildersChad Childers
Can You Guess the Nu-Metal Music Videos From the Screenshots?Can You Guess the Nu-Metal Music Videos From the Screenshots?See if you can guess the nu-metal music video from the screenshot provided. The quiz features videos by Korn, Linkin Park and more.Lauryn SchaffnerLauryn Schaffner
Nu-Metal: Tales From a SceneNu-Metal: Tales From a SceneCheck out a compilation video of all the nu-metal musicians we've had featured in our series 'Wikipedia: Fact or Faction.'Lauryn SchaffnerLauryn Schaffner
Best Modern Nu-Metal Bands? Reddit AnswersBest Modern Nu-Metal Bands? Reddit AnswersPutting the new in nu-metal, Reddit users are saying these are the best bands of the modern nu-metal resurgence.Chad ChildersChad Childers
Nu-Metal Fans Debate Why the Genre Was So HatedNu-Metal Fans Debate Why the Genre Was So HatedWhat factors went into making nu-metal such a divisive genre in the early 2000s?Chad ChildersChad Childers
Gen Z Reacts to Nu-Metal, Thinks Fred Durst Is the ‘Coolest Dad Ever’Gen Z Reacts to Nu-Metal, Thinks Fred Durst Is the ‘Coolest Dad Ever’What does Generation Z think of classic nu-metal? Apparently, they know a lot of the lyrics, even if they don't know the bands.Philip TrappPhilip Trapp
Every Nu-Metal 'Big 4'Album RankedEvery Nu-Metal 'Big 4'Album RankedHow do they stack up?Philip TrappPhilip Trapp
At Least One Musician Doesn't Mind Being Called Nu-Metal!At Least One Musician Doesn't Mind Being Called Nu-Metal!It's only one of the most hated terms in heavy music.Lauryn SchaffnerLauryn Schaffner
How Does Chad Gray Feel About Mudvayne Being Called Nu-Metal?How Does Chad Gray Feel About Mudvayne Being Called Nu-Metal?Artists tend to resent labels.Lauryn SchaffnerLauryn Schaffner
Proof That Gen Z Has Brought About a Nu-Metal RevivalProof That Gen Z Has Brought About a Nu-Metal RevivalEverything old is nu again.Philip TrappPhilip Trapp
Was Nu Metal Metal’s Best Era? Rockers Weigh InWas Nu Metal Metal’s Best Era? Rockers Weigh InSee some of the recent discussion on the topic.Chad ChildersChad Childers
Interest in Nu-Metal Is the Highest It’s Been in Nearly 20 Years, According to GoogleInterest in Nu-Metal Is the Highest It’s Been in Nearly 20 Years, According to GoogleIt wasn't just a phase, mom.Lauryn SchaffnerLauryn Schaffner