Billboards near downtown El Paso depict images of New York City and San Francisco, and link to a website claiming sanctuary cities are full of 'welcoming saints'.
Wow. You've gotta see these pictures as a double rainbow appeared over New York City early Monday evening on the 22nd anniversary of the September 11 terrorist attacks.
I have vacationed in New York City many times over the years, but my recent trip was the first time I have taken a Circle Line Cruise around Manhattan Island.
This is cool! From the 2011 Animation Block Party Film Festival in New York City, pedestrians who walk down a certain block in NYC become part of a giant pinball machine.
A great story from our partners at the El Paso Times on Mesita 4th and 5th grade teacher Robert Banta, who made a vow to his students a decade ago. In the aftermath of 9-11, Banta's students at the time were disturbed by the images of the Twin Towers collapse -- so he promised them that, in remembrance of those who died, he would not cut his hair until 9-11 mastermind Osama bin Laden was caught.