Mexican Cartels in the Lone Star StateMexican Cartels in the Lone Star StateThe cartel has been in Texas for longer than you think, but here's where they've made a home for themselves..Chad HastyChad Hasty
Cereso Prison's Last Inmate Gives an Interview from Juarez, MexCereso Prison's Last Inmate Gives an Interview from Juarez, MexThe last inmate in Cereso prison in Juarez, Mexico, tells the Buzz Adams Morning Show why he wants to stay on the INSIDE and refuses to leave.NicoNico
Time to Designate Mexican Drug Cartels as Terrorist OrganizationsTime to Designate Mexican Drug Cartels as Terrorist OrganizationsGovernor Greg Abbott sent a letter to the President and Vice President, asking them to designate Mexican drug cartels as foreign terrorist organizations.Brandon CoatesBrandon Coates