Why Does The Chamizal Memorial Exist?Why Does The Chamizal Memorial Exist?The Chamizal Memorial draws tons of visitors every year for all kinds of reasons.Dubba GDubba G
El Paso Intersection Honors 911 First ResponderEl Paso Intersection Honors 911 First ResponderTwo streets in east El Paso honor a New York Firefighter killed on 9-11.Dubba GDubba G
Blood Drive At The El Paso Coliseum - Why You Should DonateBlood Drive At The El Paso Coliseum - Why You Should DonateVitalant will hold a blood drive this weekend, Saturday and Sunday, at the El Paso County Coliseum from 9am - 3pm each day.Dubba GDubba G
Fallen Heroes Wall To Visit El PasoFallen Heroes Wall To Visit El PasoA memorial wall paying tribute to Texans killed in Iraq and Afghanistan is visiting El Paso this week.Dubba GDubba G
Saturday ...Saturday ...Crazy Simon, known to legions of Borderland rock fans for his antics at rock concerts, will be buried at Ft. Bliss National Cemetery with full military honors. Dubba GDubba G