Famous "The Room" Actor Greg Sestero Making New Movie in El PasoFamous "The Room" Actor Greg Sestero Making New Movie in El PasoThe Room has become a cult classic to film lovers & one of the actors, Greg Sestero, has been busy filming a new movie in El Paso.Daniel PaulusDaniel Paulus
El Paso Independent Film Beaten Wins At Cannes Film FestivalEl Paso Independent Film Beaten Wins At Cannes Film FestivalAn El Paso indie film was nominated at the Cannes Film Festival in May. Now... it's official: it won during the festival.Daniel PaulusDaniel Paulus
Get Terrified By New Local Movie Coming Out For Halloween SeasonGet Terrified By New Local Movie Coming Out For Halloween SeasonHalloween is a perfect time for horror movies & there's a local horror film premiering for the Halloween season.Daniel PaulusDaniel Paulus
Another Local Filmmaker Is Racking Up AwardsAnother Local Filmmaker Is Racking Up AwardsThis time around, a Western is making an El Paso filmmaker shine.Dubba GDubba G
Feature Film Shooting In El Paso Feature Film Shooting In El Paso An El Paso filmmaker has returned home to film his movie and hopes to put El Paso on the map as far as bringing other filmmakers here.Dubba GDubba G