Did you remember that El Paso was in these movies?Did you remember that El Paso was in these movies?A short list of blockbuster movies that featured El Paso, TX in some way.GrizzGrizz
Cereso Prison's Last Inmate Gives an Interview from Juarez, MexCereso Prison's Last Inmate Gives an Interview from Juarez, MexThe last inmate in Cereso prison in Juarez, Mexico, tells the Buzz Adams Morning Show why he wants to stay on the INSIDE and refuses to leave.NicoNico
Do NOT Import Tapeworms from Juarez to Shed Pounds, says EveryoneDo NOT Import Tapeworms from Juarez to Shed Pounds, says EveryoneNo matter what your best friend tells you, a tapeworm from Mexico is not your BEST option to lose weight.NicoNico