These Are The Places Where The Spirits Of El Paso Like To Hang OutThese Are The Places Where The Spirits Of El Paso Like To Hang OutOur city has been known to have a few haunted places you enjoy visiting this month! Veronica GonzalezVeronica Gonzalez
Get Your Wallet - Prison 4 SaleGet Your Wallet - Prison 4 SaleThe Mount McGregor Correctional Facility has over 100 structures, sits on 325 acres and sleeps over 540 inmates, err, people. Dubba GDubba G
The Best Places To Go For A Haunted Holiday!The Best Places To Go For A Haunted Holiday!Some people like romantic getaways, some people love the great outdoors, some folks plan their trips around sporting events. With Halloween right around the corner, why not use that down time to get creeped out?Dubba GDubba G