Arizona is no stranger to food recalls. It seems that every couple of weeks a new food has been contaminated or damaged to a point that it must be pulled off shelves.
So now that I've said that, let me offer a personal apology for ALSO being guilty of some of the no-no's on this list.
But to be honest, I find that most Texas people are very gracious when shopping. MOST. It would seem some didn't take 'People-ing 101.'
There are some behaviors many of us have seen that may immediately come to mind. Brazenly cutting in line is a HUGE no-no. That should be a given. Insulting people seems fairly obvious, but I've still seen it happen. Heaven help the person who goes after the last bag of Flamin' Hot Cheetos when THESE people are nearby.
Wow, this is WILD. This could be a viable solution for both stores and customers as we navigate a current environment of labor shortages and higher food prices.
All of this talk about eggs got me thinkin'... what's up with meat? Turns out mashed did a whole study on the best places (grocery stores, specifically), to purchase meat in the United States. I decided to grind it down to Texas for ya'll.