Reasons to Visit La Feria in Juárez At Least OnceReasons to Visit La Feria in Juárez At Least OnceThe memories you make are worth the tripJoanna BarbaJoanna Barba
El Paso Filmmaker’s Movie Now Available to Stream on Tubi for FreeEl Paso Filmmaker’s Movie Now Available to Stream on Tubi for FreeTry and guess where each location isJoanna BarbaJoanna Barba
Saturday Mornings in the Borderland Were Saved for Los ChicharrinesSaturday Mornings in the Borderland Were Saved for Los ChicharrinesGlad to hear these guys are still working and putting a smile on people's faces!Joanna BarbaJoanna Barba
Does Every El Pasoan Own A Pair of Rainboots? This Website Thinks SoDoes Every El Pasoan Own A Pair of Rainboots? This Website Thinks SoAnd eight other stereotypes about El Pasoans Joanna BarbaJoanna Barba
El Paso Can’t Meet Environmental Goals Because MexicoEl Paso Can’t Meet Environmental Goals Because MexicoThat city-sized dome from The Simpsons Movie is starting to make more and more sense.Buzz AdamsBuzz Adams
Beauty of Juarez Captured in 1967 PhotographBeauty of Juarez Captured in 1967 PhotographCheck out the bus that is similar to our streetcar Joanna BarbaJoanna Barba
Mexico Worried Repeated Screw-ups Will Make Them Laughing StockMexico Worried Repeated Screw-ups Will Make Them Laughing StockPresident Lopez Obrador’s concerned about the “jokes and memes”Buzz AdamsBuzz Adams
Remembering Beloved Mexican Clown CepillínRemembering Beloved Mexican Clown CepillínHis songs and memory will live on Joanna BarbaJoanna Barba
Juarez Costco Cakes Are Causing Fights in the Parking LotJuarez Costco Cakes Are Causing Fights in the Parking LotLet them have cake! Joanna BarbaJoanna Barba
Out-Of-Towner Makes Common EP Mistake and Ends Up in JuarezOut-Of-Towner Makes Common EP Mistake and Ends Up in JuarezEP is all fun and games until you accidentally end up in Juarez Joanna BarbaJoanna Barba
Call Carole Baskin! 5 Month Tiger Found Roaming Juarez StreetsCall Carole Baskin! 5 Month Tiger Found Roaming Juarez StreetsThe tiger was seen riding on the passenger side of his best friends ride Joanna BarbaJoanna Barba
Juarez Pot Brownie Bust Possibly Sweetest Raid of the YearJuarez Pot Brownie Bust Possibly Sweetest Raid of the YearAll was fine, until that special ingredient Joanna BarbaJoanna Barba