If The Grinch Lived In El Paso, These Would Be His Favorite SpotsIf The Grinch Lived In El Paso, These Would Be His Favorite SpotsIf The Grinch ever moved to El Paso, this is where you'd most likely see him around town.Daniel PaulusDaniel Paulus
If You Thought El Paso Was Pretty, It's Even Better From The AirIf You Thought El Paso Was Pretty, It's Even Better From The AirIf you want to see some breath taking views of El Paso, here are some photos of El Paso we normally don't get to see.Daniel PaulusDaniel Paulus
The Franklin Mountains Are NOT Named After Benjamin FrankliThe Franklin Mountains Are NOT Named After Benjamin FrankliI asked 5 co-workers who they thought the Franklin Mountains are named after and they all said, “Benjamin Franklin”.Buzz AdamsBuzz Adams
Could The Horizon City Monster Be Lurking In El Paso’s Mountains?Could The Horizon City Monster Be Lurking In El Paso’s Mountains?This is how a recent and strange incident at McKeligon Canyon led me to believe the legend of the Horizon City Monster.MonikaMonika