Newborn Helps El Paso Walmart Shooting Survivor Pop the QuestionNewborn Helps El Paso Walmart Shooting Survivor Pop the QuestionHappier times for Octavio Lizardemikemike
'El Paso Times' Front Page ALL About Gun Violence BEFORE Uvalde'El Paso Times' Front Page ALL About Gun Violence BEFORE UvaldeIt's surreal that the El Paso Times featured stories on their front page about the Walmart Shooting AND the Buffalo Shooting ONE DAY after Uvalde. Buzz AdamsBuzz Adams
El Paso Filmmakers Crowdfunding for Doc on Walmart ShootingEl Paso Filmmakers Crowdfunding for Doc on Walmart ShootingEl Paso filmmakers David Corral and Christina Pietrowski hope to get the funding needed to be able to distribute their documentary on the Walmart shooting. Joanna BarbaJoanna Barba