"The Osbournes" was a groundbreaking series that paved the way for future reality shows featuring rock stars and musicians. Coming after "The Osbournes" was a slew of many more rock reality shows, many of which have been forgotten.
Heidi is competing against 50 other amazing women to become this years Ms. Health and Fitness which will secure her a spot on the cover of Muscle and Fitness HERS magazine as well as a cash prize of $20,000.
We're hitting Wet N Wild today for the big Mexican Food World Cookoff competition, as well as the Battle of the Rock N Roll Mariachis! If you haven't seen the mariachis doing rock songs, that alone is worth the price!
But there's all the Wet N Wild Rides, the tasty Mexican Food, the chance to win a new Harley, folklorico dance competitions and more!