10 Bands Motorhead + Venom Fans Need to Know, Chosen by Midnight’s Athenar10 Bands Motorhead + Venom Fans Need to Know, Chosen by Midnight’s AthenarMidnight leader Athenar serves up some killer band recommendations for fans of Motorhead and Venom.Joe DiVitaJoe DiVita
Buzz Eats a Dead BatBuzz Eats a Dead BatBuzz's house is becoming a real life bat cave so he decided to bring in one after it dropped dead in his house! Buzz AdamsBuzz Adams
Man Attempts to Remove Bat From His Home, Fails Big TimeMan Attempts to Remove Bat From His Home, Fails Big TimeBuzz Adams isn't the only one who has a problem with bats. He has encountered a few bats in his house and this is exactly how I picture him trying to get one out. Watch out, this video is NSFW!Emily SlapeEmily Slape