The Texas Rangers Firefighter Statue Reveals an Emotional JourneyThe Texas Rangers Firefighter Statue Reveals an Emotional JourneyEvery statue has a story behind it; the firefighter statue erected by the Texas Rangers baseball team had a very emotional but equally touching story too.Daniel PaulusDaniel Paulus
After the EP Chihuahuas Big Win Means Lighting the Field on FireAfter the EP Chihuahuas Big Win Means Lighting the Field on FirePeople rarely hear about any sort of staff lighting up a field on fire on purpose ever. Veronica GonzalezVeronica Gonzalez
The El Paso Chihuahuas Must Have Christmas Spirit Like This TeamThe El Paso Chihuahuas Must Have Christmas Spirit Like This TeamThere is a picture that is getting tons of attention that is very well deserved.Veronica GonzalezVeronica Gonzalez