Girl Scout Cookie season is upon us which means pretty soon you will start seeing Girl Scouts setting up tables outside stores selling cookies. Which, if you are a fan of Girl Scout cookies, this news will make you very happy.

The bad news? This is the final year you will be able to purchase two popular cookie flavors, and Texans are shocked by the news.

In a press release this week, the Girl Scouts announced the beginning of the cookie buying season and they also announced that this will be the final year you can purchase the S'more and Toast Yay flavor cookies. Both flavors are being discontinued.

Girl Scouts
Girl Scouts

The Girl Scouts introduced the S'mores cookie in 2017 while the Toast Yay! flavor made its first appearance in 2021.

This is the first time the Girl Scouts have announced ahead of time a cookie flavor or two that will not be returning. It gives fans a chance to stock up ahead of time. It also means those flavors could go quickly as fans purchase multiple boxes.

Girl Scout Cookie Flavors That Aren't Being Discontinued

While two popular flavors are on their way out. The following cookie flavors are sticking around after 2025.

  • Thin Mints
  • Samoas/Caramel deLites
  • Peanut Butter Patties/Tagalongs
  • Adventurefuls
  • Caramel Chocolate Chip
  • Lemonades
  • Lemon-Ups
  • Toffee-tastic
  • Trefoils
  • Peanut Butter Sandwich/Do-si-dos

So be on the lookout for Girl Scouts selling cookies soon. According to the press release they will be selling cookies through April, and no matter which city you are in, you will probably have plenty of chances to buy cookies.

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