Texas is just like every other state in the country right now, we are all getting killed by inflation and the rising costs of just about everything. I was recently joking with a coworker about how it used to cost $20 to leave the house, but now we’re closer to $50. It’s not just one certain thing, it’s everything from gas to groceries to every other bill that we pay. Everything seems to be going up in price which is causing many Americans to look for a side hustle. 

Texas Side Hustle

A side hustle would be anything you can do in addition to your normal job to create income for yourself and your family. One of the most popular side hustles in recent years has become driving for a ride share app such as Uber or Lyft. I did try being a driver for a few weekends. It was fun when it was busy, but when you’re just sitting in your car waiting, you start realizing that at times you’re barely making minimum wage. 

Get Creative With Your Side Hustle 

If you want to generate some extra income, first think about what you’re good at and what you enjoy. You don’t want to have another job that you don’t enjoy.  

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Let’s Look at Some Good Paying Side Jobs 

If you’re looking to make some extra cash quickly, here is a look at some good paying side jobs that might be perfect for you. Good luck and remember to take some time to care for yourself too. We all have bills to pay, but life isn’t just about working.  

Best Paying Side Hustles

Looking to make some extra cash, this list will help.

Gallery Credit: Billy Jenkins

FBI Says Texans Need to Watch Out for These Scams

These scams are hitting Texas and the FBI doesn't want you to become the next victim.

Gallery Credit: Billy Jenkins

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