Double G Rides Again!
I'm baaaaaaaaack!
Howdy, Double G here back from a long long weekend of rocking, riding and rowdiness! Rode (and partied!!) my way through Ruidoso for the Golden Aspen Rally last weekend ... then just kept on riding!!
Made it back in time to be here for this weekends Arenacross at Cohen Stadium though!! That is gonna RAWK!! All the motocross action AND a freestyle exihibition from "The Cowboy"; Kenny Bartrum. I can get you in there too ... Listen all week for chances at free tickets from KLAQ!
I do have one favor to ask everyone though .......
My camera also decided to take the weekend off so I didn't get any pictures from Ruidoso. If anyone out there got some good ones, let me know! Send an email to ggarza@klaq.com with your pics and I'll put a few up to show those that couldn't go what a time we had! (Or to remind/show you what a good time YOU had!!)
(Note!! If you send me pictures, you're giving me permission to post them! So don't send anything you don't want your honey, boss, kids, etc to see!!!!!!!)
That's it for now .... catch my show today for chances at the Arenacross tickets. Plus, WWE tickets!!!!!!! Good luck! :)
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