Andromeda Theory – El Paso’s Best Local Rock Profile
Andromeda Theory
Who are all the members of your band, and what do they play?
Floyd Hegedorn-drums
Cory Suydam-lead guitar
Tony Gonzalez-rhythm guitar
Robert Martinez-bass
Chris Castillo-vocals
When did the band get together, and how?
We got the together in earlier this year, sometime around the beginning of April. It all started when I (Cory) moved to El Paso from Findlay, OH and started looking for musicians in the area. I messaged Floyd and Tony online. They wanted to start up something fresh and new. So we all met at a local Wendy’s and gave it the green light. Soon after gave Chris and Robert a call and they were in, it was a quick process. We wanted to incorporate members who want to expand their horizons musically.
How would you describe your music to someone?
It is original. Nothing is perfect and never will be. We want a new sound. Something that will influence future musicians to emulate. Something new, but going back to a time when artists didn’t have to auto-tune vocals, program drums, or use amp-simulation when recording. What you hear is what you get. Plain and simple.
Who are some of the bands that influence your music?
Some of the most influential bands to us are Deftones, Sevendust, Korn, Dream Theater, Kamelot, Fate’s Warning, and Alice in Chains.
What is your most memorable gig so far?
Our most memorable gig was probably one of our most recent ones in which we headed up to Albuquerque, NM. It was our first show out of town for this band. It was more of the journey than the show that made it for me, since I am not from around here, I just took it all in.
Are you currently signed to any kind of label or management?
Not at the moment, but we are looking. As of now, we manage the band ourselves, and are doing a pretty damn good job of it.
What other bands have your members been/are in?
Chris came from bands Alodex and Undying Hate, Floyd and Tony from Abnik, Tony and Rob from bands Stilafect and Killing Our Own, and Cory came from Ohio band Until Forever.
What other local bands would you recommend people check out?
Be sure to check out the band Chasing Solace! They kick ass and are some of the most welcoming musicians out there! There are a lot of musicians here, too many to name, and they each contribute to keeping rock alive and well in El Paso.