Here is a list of what each state Googles more than other states. Just to be clear, this isn't what each state Googles the most. It's just what each state Googles more than the others.

ALABAMA:  Who owns FOX News? / Who is Lucifer? / How to vote?

ALASKA:  How to smoke salmon?

ARIZONA:  Who vetoes bills? What is the minimum wage? 

ARKANSAS:  Who won the Civil War? / How to vote on The Voice? / Why did the chicken cross the road?

CALIFORNIA:  How to get divorced? / When is Burning Man? / When is Coachella? / When is kitten season? Is honey vegan? / Is Bernie Sanders vegan? 

COLORADO:  What is hash? Where is Waldo? 

CONNECTICUT:  Will Trump win? / What is the American dream? / How to be pretty?

DELAWARE:  How to get away with murder? 

DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA:  When is Ramadan? / Where is Obama today?

FLORIDA: What is A.A.? / Is adultery illegal? / Are UFOs real? / Is magic real? / How to be famous? / How to be rich? 

GEORGIA:  How to hack an Instagram account? / How to hotwire a car / Where is weed legal? / Why are my nipples so sore? / How to become a stripper?

HAWAII:  What is Instagram? / How to write a resume? / How to YouTube? 

IDAHO:  Is Ted Cruz the Zodiak Killer? / How to be single? / What does “Netflix and chill” mean?

ILLINOIS:  Is Trump winning? / What is falafel? / Was Hitler elected?

INDIANA:  How many states are there? / Do midgets have night vision? / Are aliens real? / Is Bigfoot real? 

IOWA:  Who is Bernie Sanders? What is socialism? / Do penguins have knees?

KANSAS:  What is Syria? / How to make meth?

KENTUCKY:  How to pass a drug test? / How to make a baby? / What is hemp?

LOUISIANA:  When is hurricane season? / When is Wrestlemania?

MAINE: Who won Survivor? / Is Bernie Sanders Jewish?

MARYLAND:  Is Joe Flacco elite? / When is it going to snow? 

MASSACHUSETTS:  Can I kick it? (Yes, you can) / How many beers in a keg? / Where have all the cowboys gone?

MICHIGAN:  What causes depression / Where is Canada? / How much caffeine is too much? 

MINNESOTA:  Is funner a word?

MISSISSIPPI:  Am I pregnant? / Can I get a what what? / What is HPV? 

MISSOURI:  Who has played Batman? / When is tornado season? / Am I a psycho?

MONTANA:  How to move to Canada? / What is Gluten? / Is Bernie Sanders out?

NEBRASKA:  Who owns Budweiser? / When is Arbor Day?

NEVADA:  Where is Area 51? / What is Burning Man?

NEW HAMPSHIRE:  Who Framed Roger Rabbit? / Who should I vote for?

NEW JERSEY:  How to make friends? / Is time travel possible? / Is weed bad for you?

NEW MEXICO:  Why is the sky blue? / How to be emo? 

NEW YORK:  Am I an alcoholic? / Where my dogs at? / Is wine gluten free?

NORTH CAROLINA:  What is Buddhism? / What is Hinduism? / What is religion? / What is dabbing? 

NORTH DAKOTA:  When is NFL Draft? / How to get a passport?

OHIO: Is pot legal? / Am I a republican? / Do I have to pay taxes?

OKLAHOMA:  Is Obama muslim? / Why are gas prices so low?

OREGON:  Should I move to Portland? / Who is Ammon Bundy?

PENNSYLVANIA:  Am I gay? / Why are people gay? / What is Grindr? / Why can’t I poop?

RHODE ISLAND:  Did Jay-Z cheat on Beyonce? / Is John Snow alive?

SOUTH CAROLINA:  What is transgender? / What is capitalism? / What is mercantilism? / What is OCD? / What is satire? / What is foreshadowing? / Is Google making us stupid? / Is he cheating? / Is Jesus God? / Is weed legal? / How to hack someone’s Facebook? / Where is my phone?

SOUTH DAKOTA:  Who let the dogs out? / Who killed JFK? / Why is my poop green?

TENNESSEE:  What is popcorn lung? / Is vaping safe?

TEXAS:  Do I have herpes? / What is jock itch? / Why is my hair falling out? / Why is my tongue yellow? / Why is my tongue white? 

UTAH:   How much wood would a woodchuck chuck? / How to kiss? / Which states are winner take all?

VERMONT:  Where is my mind? / How to write a cover letter?

VIRGINIA:  Why is Virginia for lovers? / What is emo?

WASHINGTON:   Will Bernie win? / Can Bernie win? / Is Ted Cruz Canadian? / How can I help Syrian refugees?

WEST VIRGINIA: How to lose weight? / When is Cinco de Mayo? / How to last longer in bed? 

WISCONSIN:  Who are the Koch brothers? / How to join ISIS? / When is American Idol on? 

WYOMING:  What is Wyoming?

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