paula deen

Is This Paula Deen Joke Too Offensive to Tell On-Air?
Is This Paula Deen Joke Too Offensive to Tell On-Air?
Is This Paula Deen Joke Too Offensive to Tell On-Air?
First off, I do think everyone's going a little overboard with the outrage at Paula's admission that she used the "N word" one time thirty years ago.  I mean, she's a white senior citizen from the deep south. Couldn't we all have figured that out before she said it in a sworn deposition?  I think it's not nearly as offensive as her admission that she once planned a wedding in which she w
Paula Deen’s OTHER Other Apology [VIDEO]
Paula Deen’s OTHER Other Apology [VIDEO]
Paula Deen’s OTHER Other Apology [VIDEO]
Paula Deen has Twittered about 800 apologies and at least that many mea culpa interviews. How many times can you apologize for the same thing and still make it sound genuine?Is she going to go on a door-to-door apology tour next? Well, she's still trying to get her feelings of contrition across and I have yet another video of Paula a-Paula-gizing...
Taiwanese Animation: Is Paula Deen Racist? [Video]
Taiwanese Animation: Is Paula Deen Racist? [Video]
Taiwanese Animation: Is Paula Deen Racist? [Video]
Paula Deen was fired from the Food Network on Friday, for admitting in a court deposition that she used to use the N-word.  She didn't actually use it in court, she just admitted under oath that she HAS used it before. Over the weekend she posted two different apologies online but it wasn't enough, she was still fired...