I enjoy looking at things for sale on craigslist and couldn't help but notice there are a lot of odd things for sale including Man Cave items. Fort Bliss is in on Man Cave Craze. Should El Paso's Criagslist include a Man Cave category?
According to Wikipedia a man cave is sometimes called a mantuary or manspace, is a male sanctuary, such as a specially equipped garage, spare bedroom, media room, den, or basement.
El Paso Craigslist
El Paso Craigslist
 Apparently the man cave business is HUGE. Fort Bliss recently held a Bridal Fair and they included a special Man Cave area that had NFL games playing and much more.
El Paso Craigslist
El Paso Craigslist
Is it that profitable that El Paso's Craigslist should include a Man Cave category?



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