Night Verses Drummer Aric Improta has blown our mind with his new move he calls the "kitflip."

If you thought Tommy Lee doing a drum solo while his drum kit is flipped outside down, you're going to love the video above.

Aric Improta is the drummer for the band Night Verses that must also moonlight as a parkour enthusiast. In this new video posted to his Youtube page, you see him pull off his impressive new move: the kitflip. Not only is he a sick musician, displaying his abilities with the solo, but he also shows off his ability to backflip from one drum kit to the next. Strapped with his handy Go-Pro and his cameras mount in front of both kits, he documents his impressive feat.

I wonder how many failed attempts he had, or if he had any. Also I'm just really glad he didn't split his head open or break bones doing this stunt. Although it still would have made a good video.

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