Littering has always been a problem in El Paso and sadly, that probably won't be changing anytime soon. 

Fortunately, there are plenty of good people willing to pick up what other jackasses throw down. Adopt A Highway groups volunteer to clean up roadways.  Now, one of the most beautiful and scenic highways in El Paso needs a little of that love.

A cleanup of Trans Mountain is being organized by two El Pasoans, their friends and family and groups like the East El Paso Rotary ClubFranklin Mountains Wilderness Coalition and the El Paso Sierra Club just to name a few. They need a lot more though so, please volunteer yourself, your co-workers or any group you're involved in!

  • WHEN: January 19, 2019 from 8:00 am – 12:00 pm
  • WHERE: Smuggler’s Pass on Transmountain Road. (@ Ron Coleman Trailhead.)

Peeps that routinely use the road are especially encouraged to help out, namely mountain bikers, hikers, cyclists, etc. For more info, click here or email

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