We're always looking for great interns at our radio stations. When I placed an ad on Craigslist for a writing position with our sports station, 600 ESPN El Paso, I expected a few applications. What I didn't expect, however, was the greatest potential intern we've ever seen.

Isaac, a senior at Coronado High School, submitted this resume to me:



Initially, I thought, "What kind of punk puts 'learning how to rap' on a resume?!" I sat back in my chair for a minute, resume in hand, and started to laugh. He worked at a restaurant and a fast food joint. What did I expect him to write? Honestly, when I was flopping Whoppers at 16-years-old, I was probably teaching myself how to rap, too. His honesty and humor were refreshing so I asked Isaac to come in for an interview.

Over the next few days, a few colleagues of mine helped me come up with the most absurd interview questions possible, which is why you'll hear him shout out to Frank Pain a few times.  Of course, we asked him to show us his rapping skills... a lot. Below is what went down.

So, El Paso, now it's up to you to decide Isaac's fate. Should we hire him?



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