Growing up with three brothers, I can totally relate to this poor girl's pain. Right after Cabot Phillips' sister was released from her wisdom teeth surgery, he thought it was the perfect time to prank her. And he was so damn right.

With the help of Cabot's parents, brother and even a well played emergency broadcast about a zombie outbreak, they pulled off one of the best pranks you will find on YouTube. Cabot turns to his sister in her drugged state to help make important zombie apocalypse decisions.

Some highlights of the video happen when his poor sister realizes the cruel reality of having to chose which pet to save. She quickly points out how their dog is dying so the only smart thing to do is take the cat. When it comes to what type of cake mix they need to take, she is quick to make the obvious decision to take funfetti over chocolate cake.

Once her brother's tell her that they isn't really a zombie apocalypse, it still doesn't seem to phase her. She's still looks like she is pretty drugged and pretty over her brother's messing with her mind. Poor girl will probably be picked on until another viral prank takes over the internet in like 3 weeks.

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